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Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

hairstyles 2011 long hair women

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  • JPyre
    Apr 12, 04:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well people prefer to buy AT&T right now, hence out of stock and goin for much more on ebay, soo the stats are wrong...
    They obviously polled people in non-AT&T markets, who live in the mid-west, who wouldn't buy one anyway.

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Nov 14, 11:13 AM
    And here people were hoping something would come along and topple the iPod. I had to check the Zune out for myself, it's basically dull-finished 1st Gen iPod clone. And now with iPod friendly skies, the bastardized iTurd will have very rough waters venture through. Go Apple. :D

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  • John.B
    Apr 15, 03:21 AM
    Nobody has answered the burning question: Were any chairs thrown? :eek:

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  • blow45
    Apr 14, 01:28 PM
    those 2 people that have voted negative (of 5 that have so far voted ) please speak up. We really like to hear your opinions on not taking your antidepressants. :rolleyes:


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  • springscansing
    May 6, 01:20 AM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I was drawn to this forum because I am interested in computers generally and macs almost qualify.....but seriously I poked around on a mac for about an hour today, and found that some things are less intuitive (minimizing and closing windows). Also I found that some things easily accessible in windows are not accessible at all in mac OSX. I felt like the computer was "dumbed down" for me. All in all it was a computer and pefectly capable internet machine, but at least in an hour nothing even came close to winning me ove. Oh yeah it also crashed once too.

    Closing is very intuitive. You click the red close button. What's so hard about that? Same for minimize.. click the minimize button. If you honestly are having trouble with that, you're an idiot.

    Dumbed down? You have command-line access via the Terminal. It's ****ing UNIX man. That's a lot more access than Windows gives you.

    As for it crashing, you didn't say at all what version of X you were running or anything.

    Macs "almost" qualify as computers? Yeah, okay.

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  • Michael383
    Apr 26, 01:30 AM
    What I'd like to see is a 15" MBA.


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  • MacRumors
    Apr 19, 09:38 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/19/video-of-64-gb-white-iphone-4-running-old-test-ios-4-build-with-expose/)

    Engadget points (http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/19/white-iphone-4-used-to-demo-new-multitasking-spotlight-search-i/) to a new video posted (http://www.tinhte.vn/tin-tuc-gioi-thieu-118/tren-tay-giao-dien-da-nhiem-moi-tren-iphone-5-a-663854/) on Vietnamese site Tinhte.vn apparently claiming to show a white iPhone 4 running a "test version" of iOS offering Expose-like multitasking that allows users to select running apps from a grid of nine screenshot thumbnails.You can tap on a window to expand it (replete with animation) to fill the screen or long-press on it to bring up the familiar "x" button for shutting it down. This is all accompanied by a new "Search iPhone" dialog at the very top, which sends you into Spotlight search that looks very much the way it currently does (though it seems to no longer be accessible with a left swipe from the first homescreen as on previous versions of iOS).While the apparently all-white home button and a passing similarity of the multitasking feature to the jailbreak tool multifl0w (http://www.multifl0w.com/) suggest that this could simply be a customized iPhone 4 running jailbreak software.

    But a second video posted to the same YouTube account and noticed by 9 to 5 Mac (http://www.9to5mac.com/62499/white-iphone-caught-in-the-wild-running-ios-5-with-expose-multitasking/) offers more detail of what may in fact be a prototype iPhone. The device in the second video may be different than the one in the first video, as the second one seems to have a more standard white home button with black square inside.

    The second video clearly shows an "XX GB" marking on the back along with a number of "X" placeholders in model identifiers, common for prototype devices. A walkthrough of the "About" screen in iOS shows, however, that the model carries 64 GB of storage.

    Interestingly, a partial glimpse of the iOS build number can be seen as the "About" screen is shown, and the device appears to be running iOS 4.0 with a build number beginning with 8A as would be expected. Consequently, this does appear to be a test version of iOS 4.0 rather than an upcoming iOS 5 build, although Apple could of course choose to implement some of these features in future iOS releases.

    The device also appears to contain several preloaded applications internally used by Apple for diagnostics, testing, and demoing, lending additional legitimacy to the claims.

    Article Link: Video of 64 GB White iPhone 4 Running Old 'Test' iOS 4 Build With Expose? (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/19/video-of-64-gb-white-iphone-4-running-old-test-ios-4-build-with-expose/)

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  • justflie
    Oct 27, 07:41 AM
    - No iCal integration with a fully editable calendar

    Agreed! That calendar thing really bothers me. Also, whenever you do publish calendars, it doesn't show the location of the event! That's REALLY annoying. I have to put it in the notes box in order to view it online. I actually recently emailed .mac feedback about that. Pain in the butt!


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  • ChazUK
    Apr 17, 05:56 AM
    Your a moron. (see now thats ridicule)

    PLEASE tell me that was intentional. :eek:

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    He's just speaking truth to power. It's a violent outburst caused by the man's oppression by the white majority. It's unfortunate that a woman was beat up, but we must consider the root cause - whites.

    Seriously, I had to write papers on this crap. It's pretty awesome. I took it as a lesson on how you can win any argument by changing the rules.

    Hahahahaha, omg, this is hysterical that you actually believe this! Racism is anything but colorblindness. Period. It doesn't matter if you're "oppressed" or the "minority". And to say that it's whites fault that a seriously misled person beat up a woman... ? HA, take a step back, pull whatever it is out of your butt, re-read your diploma, and rethink everything you think if you still agree with yourself when you posted this.

    And WOW you "wrote papers"?! wait a second while I bow to me knees

    Hopefully your reply was actually deeply rooted in sarcasm and I just didn't pick up on it


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  • Charlie Sheen
    Mar 23, 01:42 PM
    i think it would be a major step forward and the sales of the apple tv would go up like a rocket

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  • Geckotek
    Apr 13, 01:05 AM
    CDMA as dead tech and slow? Not ignorant remark. However, GSM is also a dead tech.

    You made an assumption I was referring to that statement. Either way, neither is dead yet and slow is a relative term that I dont agree with. Slower than AT&T in some areas? Sure. But not everywhere and it isn't slow compared with edge.

    Yeah, but you cannot use CDMA abroad, unless your carrier approves your usage of it. As far as GSM goes, you can simply pop in a sim card and it will work (assuming the iPad is unlocked).

    Also, the scalpers are sending them all over the world, and not just China. Besides, China (especially Hong Kong) also has GSM (China Mobile, the official iPhone carrier in China).


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  • Hurd111
    Mar 9, 11:04 PM
    Interesting simple subject. Nice lighting and use of selective focus. The tone of the background is nice. Is this a lamp?


    Thanks. And yes, it is a lamp.

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 12:18 PM
    so who's got a tshirt then?

    I have one. Well two actually. Apologies to anyone that comes later and doesn't get one because of me taking two but I figured I was worth some kind of compensation for the people that were queue jumping. We were fighting the cause for the people behind us with the apple staff who kept letting the randoms in.

    Incidentally, they are *not* offering *any* form of student discount on Leopard here. No higher education discount and no standard discount. Full price or family pack price only.


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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 7, 06:58 AM

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  • intlplby
    Aug 15, 06:31 AM
    how about an ad that just urges users to ask their friends
    something like this:

    Buying a computer is a big investment, so before you make your next big investment ask yourself "do you want to be happy?"

    if the answer is yes, then we recommend you ask your friends:

    "do you use a mac or pc?"
    "are you happy or frustrated with computers?"

    i can't think about anything better than letting customers interview their own friends... it gets some buzz going and gets people talking publicly more


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  • spazzcat
    Jan 4, 01:19 PM
    i can't comment on the USA, but in the UK the data coverage can vary substantially. The best voice network is not always the best data network. O2 for example have a good voice network in the UK, but are by far the worst for 3G coverage.

    I can't see how this type of set up could work for people who rely on GPS on a daily basis, weekend travellers maybe, but not people who rely on GPS for their jobs

    If you drive for work, there is a good chance you drive in the same areas, I can't see this app not caching maps.

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  • conradwt
    Jan 8, 06:37 AM
    Push Notifications are when your phone automatically checks for updates, alerts etc. without you having to open the app right? I guess it's just misleading to me because when I hear "push" notifications, I think of something that happens when I push the app or open it up.

    Thanks for the fast response!

    A push notification is sent from the server to phone automatically. Thus, when something changes on the server in regards to your Facebook account, the information is pushed to your phone if you have subscribed to receive that type of notification. In short, you don't have poll for the information because the information is being pushed to you.

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  • Jessica Lares
    Feb 28, 11:00 PM
    You can teach them the value of a dollar if instead you give them an iTunes card and tell them its the only one there getting for X amount of time.

    That is what I do with my brother. And I think this is a better method than using the allowance account. How many people get paid on the 1st anyway? It's usually the 15th.

    The big problem with In-App purchasing is the fact that you can spend $0.99, but you also have the option of spending $100+. You could literally buy a new iPhone with that money, even food for a month. Those cards for like IMVU and Neopets that you can buy at the grocery store/Best Buy, DON'T go for more than $50. Same with Wii and Xbox Live.

    Apr 19, 09:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Anything beats the embarrassment that Apple has in the current iOS.

    ? Is the weather nice where you live ?

    Sep 26, 06:03 AM
    But here you're implying that Apple has any rights at all to the word podcast, when it was clearly invented by someone else (Adam Curry, perhaps, though there is some debate; it was certainly not Apple Computer). How in the heck can they make a claim? It's not like they are called iPodcasts. That I could see being an infringement. Just how far are they intending to go with the word 'pod'?

    I agree wholeheartedly - how can they trademark a term someone else created?

    For a company that was so rebellious and different in its infancy, Apple sure is getting cranky in its middle age.

    Feb 18, 11:46 PM
    I wonder what do they discuss and what is the conclusion?

    Apr 12, 01:35 PM
    What you're describing isn't racism, so there's no issue. It's impossible for those who have been oppressed by the majority to be racist - they don't have the power.

    At least, that's what I was taught by my fancy college education.

    Sep 13, 08:27 AM
    My experiences with general..

    A lot like what Racer described: hooked up the IV, then came the injection, after a few seconds I could feel some warmness spreading up my arm, then my chest and finally my eyelids just started feeling really heavy.

    When I wake up, out of the OR, I feel really really groggy... can barely lift my head to look around to see where I am. Both times my parents had to help me walk to the car. Got home and had something light to eat... soup, crackers... then more sleep. Few hours later I'm feeling infinitely better and I fall asleep around a semi-regular time and sleep for a good 9-10 hours.

    Never got sick, just sort of dizzy and feeling "out of it".

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