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Senin, 06 Juni 2011

ramstein air base

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ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base,
  • Ramstein Air Base,

  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 9, 12:48 AM
    I am all for getting rid of those too. This topic was about PP, so I expressed my feelings for that colossal waste of money. I didn't want to stray too far off topic.

    So then what wouldn't be a waste of tax money to you? Or are you just anti-taxes period

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base
  • Ramstein Air Base

  • roadbloc
    Feb 19, 05:01 AM
    I am thinner than Steve Jobs. How long do I have left?

    Are you American? If no then you're okay.

    ramstein air base. ramstein air base.
  • ramstein air base.

  • whoodie
    Mar 11, 07:05 PM
    Willow Bend is sold out of all, except for a few Verizon models.

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base
  • Ramstein Air Base

  • MacRumors
    Apr 25, 12:22 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/25/mac-os-x-lion-to-come-on-dvd/)

    Apple Bitch notes (http://www.applebitch.com/2011/04/25/mac-os-x-10-7-lion-dvd-appears-on-amazon/) that a new placeholder (http://www.amazon.de/Apple-Mac-OS-X-Lion/dp/B0047CQ0ME) has appeared on Amazon's German site suggesting that Apple will be distributing Mac OS X Lion on DVD when it is released later this year.A listing for the latest version of the Mac operating system, OS X 10.7 Lion, which is due for release this summer, has appeared on the German Amazon website. The significance of the listing is that the OS is apparently being offered on DVD, rather than on the USB thumb drive, upon which Apple had begun to offer the Snow Leopard OS with the purchase of the new MacBook Air models last year.No price or availability date is given on the listing.

    Amazon's site is a rather frequent source for product speculation given the company's tendency to post placeholders based on rumor in advance of official release information, and Amazon's German site seems to be one of the most active of Amazon's regional arms in this regard. Consequently, we hesitate to read too much into this speculation and are posting it on Page 2 primarily for interest and discussion at this time.

    The distribution mechanism for Mac OS X Lion is certainly up for discussion given recent developments in Apple's hardware and software offerings. With the redesigned MacBook Air lacking an optical drive and proving to be a popular notebook for consumers, Apple's shift to a small USB drive for backup software on the machine has led to speculation that the company could adopt that method entirely for Mac OS X Lion distribution.

    In addition, Apple has been delivering developer seeds of Mac OS X Lion via the company's new Mac App Store, which launched in early January. Consequently, it seems likely that Apple will at least offer the option of Mac OS X Lion as a download purchase through that platform.

    Article Link: Mac OS X Lion to Come on DVD? (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/25/mac-os-x-lion-to-come-on-dvd/)


    ramstein air base. at the Ramstein Air Base
  • at the Ramstein Air Base

  • alent1234
    Mar 28, 08:24 AM
    This confirms that iOS 5 will be previewed in June and not in April like past years...

    so no dev previews to get the bugs worked out as well as get devs writing iOS 5 apps for release?

    ramstein air base. at Ramstein Air Base
  • at Ramstein Air Base

  • soulreaver99
    Mar 16, 11:43 PM
    Sucks to be in California!!!


    ramstein air base. Ramstein Airbase (US Air Force
  • Ramstein Airbase (US Air Force

  • R.Perez
    Apr 8, 03:51 PM
    Cut defense, raise taxes on the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes. Deficit solved without cutting any social services. In fact, the little "balance the budget" exercise I posted a few weeks ago proved we could add a surplus while still increasing money for social services, green energy and veterans benefits. All with a progressive tax increase on the top 10%.

    As Maddow says, its not about the budget.

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Afb Map. ramstein air
  • Ramstein Afb Map. ramstein air

  • eNcrypTioN
    Feb 23, 01:15 PM
    So wait I will need to be burdened with a lower time out period because some soccer mom refuses to discipline junior while she sips on a venti iced latte from starbucks in her 2010 QX45 Urban assault vehicle??


    I lol'd :D


    ramstein air base. RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany

  • mahonmeister
    Aug 28, 04:59 AM
    I don't care to argue about the effectiveness of the adds. But I will say that the Angel/Devil one was kinda stupid. It didn't even advertise Macs. I think I am tiring of the format of the commercials. I would like to see one show just what can be done with OS X.

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base, Germany
  • Ramstein Air Base, Germany

  • temtexdent
    May 2, 02:40 PM
    I actually have a similar caliper in my office as we use it quite often for precise measurements (seriously). I checked out my white phone that I received on Saturday. Mine had various readings around the phone from 0.373 to 0.378, but none were 0.0370. Of course I have not calibrated it in a while.

    I went and measured one of my employee's black phones and it measured from about 0.375 to 0.378.

    So I really do no more than just muddy the issue.

    So the question of importance seems to be where this becomes an issue for cases. Otterbox is clearly concerned about it as they have posted something on their website about it. I'm sure they don't want a million returns.


    ramstein air base. at Ramstein Air Base.
  • at Ramstein Air Base.

  • Adam-
    Apr 5, 11:15 AM
    Also For a 5th gen leaked ipod its pretty beaten up. I mean if i had somehow got a prototype i would keep it in a glass cabinet surrounded with cushions to stop it getting beat up. And wouldn't it run iOS5 if its the fifth generation? so why doesn't he tell us about that?

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base starting
  • Ramstein Air Base starting

  • Bosunsfate
    Nov 21, 04:39 PM
    At first read I was going to be skeptical....I mean isn't this just cold fusion?

    Having read through the science on this now...we'll this is pretty interesting.

    The main hurdle appears to be the actual application of this into some type of consumer device...and that being cost effective at the end of the day.

    If this works out..yea, we are talking about some major changes....

    Why are these guys in Utah though?


    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base is the
  • Ramstein Air Base is the

  • mfacey
    Apr 3, 12:08 AM
    I think that Apple was probably aiming to make Pages into a desktop publishing program but then found halfway through that most of the features added in were pretty similar to what word has. Maybe that's why Jobs decided to put it head to head with Word?
    Word is great for standard, no non-sense typing. But as soon as you start getting a long document with various pictures and a self-updating table of contents (ie proper layout and publishing stuff) it becomes more and more awful. Once you have an 40+ pages almost everytime you move an image slightly you know its going to destroy your document. It has brought me to the point that I just want to throw my computer out of the window various times. (This was a PC by the way, I always forgive my mac by just telling myself that microsoft are the people that put me in this nightmarish situation :rolleyes: ).
    Lets just hope Apple implements some major improvements to Pages in the next release. I wouldn't mind having a program that can do layout AND word-processing properly!

    ramstein air base. RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany

  • walnuts
    Mar 25, 09:40 AM
    Instead of suing everyone, kodak needs to get on this retro kick and start selling kodachrome camera's and film again for cheap. Stop using digital, start developing.

    Second that. There's a niche market (I think) amongst a few for film. Unfortunately, its become really expensive proposition. Even if you pay $2 for a roll and $10 for developing/processing, its crazy expensive compared to digital. If they could some how make it cheaper it could be successful.


    ramstein air base. RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany

  • baddj
    Apr 5, 05:03 PM
    Yay! More cash from adapters for apple!

    :( I am starting to think why do i have a mac, as i need so many dam adapters.

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base Ge
  • Ramstein Air Base Ge

  • Snowy_River
    Aug 14, 03:04 PM
    Worst Apple ads ever. You attract more flies with sugar than vinegar, and Apple's all about the vinegar.

    I strongly disagree. These ads are based on humor. Humor seems more like a sweet enticement than a sour one.

    Oh, and by the way, it's honey, not sugar.

    I'm not claiming to say that these ads have hurt or helped boost the market shares.

    Well, actually you are:

    Not because of these commercials.

    That seems pretty much like your denying the possibility that they have helped, explicitly.

    ...I'm only saying that I have only heard negative things about them.

    I feel embarrassed watching them.

    Well, you know, that's your experience and your issue. I find them funny. Everyone I know finds them funny. And that includes a number of PC users, including IT professionals. The only person who didn't quite let himself laugh openly about them is my dad, and he has a personal bias against Macs.


    ramstein air base. ramstein air base,
  • ramstein air base,

  • dernhelm
    Mar 29, 12:57 PM
    He wears mock turtlenecks all the time:



    And everyone knows the real reason you wear turtlenecks!

    ramstein air base. Ramstein Air Base | View
  • Ramstein Air Base | View

  • Ryan1524
    May 25, 11:52 PM
    i'm just curious about all the people that stated how PCs are troublesome when we're adding hardwares. after i installed XP, i did not even installed any driver and everything was recognized as soon as i plugged them in and working in no time, from keyboards, mouses, to routers, scanners, graphics cards, printers, digital cameras. i had the drivers ready, expecting the onslaught of hardware setup wizard typical of 98, but instead, there's the little pop up box near the system tray that stated that these hardwares have been recognized, drivers installed, and ready for use. and sure enough, they are. as for the hardware incompatibilities, remember that PC hardwares and softwares are made by two different companies, while any apple computers ae assembled and prepared by on company who manufactured both. therefore, they KNOW what their software needs in order for them to work perfectly.

    ramstein air base. RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 21, 01:22 PM
    1) Do something original
    2) Spend time in Cupertino's outer circle at select geek houses in Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Los Gatos or Mountain View.
    3) Show the game off to the right engineers.
    4) Win the geek Q&A
    5) Learn how to get on the PVT list
    6) Ignore anyone that doesn't code inside Apple
    7) Don't piss off Steve.
    8) Don't act sub-servant to Steve.
    9) Learn to love beach volleyball.

    Rinse and Repeat for every new hardware cycle.

    Nov 6, 11:17 AM
    Big evil retail conglomerate:

    *ahem* Marco....

    Equally evil RFID-enabled iPhone in my pocket:

    OMG!!! Freaking POLO!!!!! RIGHT OVER HERE!!!!

    Apr 12, 10:45 AM
    Is is just me, or is Pages one of the worst apps that Apple has put forth recently?

    Designing a newsletter has proven to be one of the worst computing catastophes that I have had in recent years. Pages erased my work multiple times, even after I had saved it. Also, the way the program formats is terrible; Apple has caught the Word syndrome of trying to help you so much with Word processing - guessing what you want to do and doing it for you - that it makes you want to pull your hair out. I also find the interface very counter-intuitive (highly surprising for an Apple app)

    Sorry for the rant, but I just lost a lot of money and time because of this half-baked program, and I have to let it out. I had high hopes for Pages and am sorely disappointed. And I thought that only Microsoft could push my buttons like this... :mad:

    I purchased iWork to produce newsletters and instruction sheets. I too found it to be an unwieldy program. A new user can make a decent project if they pick a template and not deviate from it. Changing fonts, layout, etc. is painful. I assume (hopefully) that Apple wiil continue to upgrade the program.
    I hate to say it, but I have an old copy of Microsoft Publisher for Windows (1 CD) that I have used for the last 6 years. It is much more intuitive than Pages. I got rid of most of my Windows software when I switched to MAC, but I kept Publisher and my old Celeron laptop for emergencies.

    Sep 25, 10:18 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?

    Possibly the Intel developers conference. Think its next week....

    Apr 9, 09:04 AM
    The fact that a big sticking point in all of this was the social conservative nonsense about abortions and planned parenthood is just ridiculous. If this is all that many of our politicians can think about in times like these, we're ********** doomed.

    My sentiments exactly. Of course you can look around you and thank all the idiots who voted the idiots into office.

    Mar 4, 05:04 AM

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